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Monday, December 22, 2008

Coffee Machines - Guest Blog

Each morning I get up and put the coffee pot on. I then tell it to make coffee faster - it's important. Now I've had this particular coffee maker for over a year and it still takes the same amount of time to make coffee. Now matter whether I'm nice to it, swear at it, beg still makes coffee no faster. I bought it because it suited my needs (price, size, options, etc.). I failed to add in one requirement - that it make coffee real fast. I added that desire after it came into my home so I guess I can't expect it to change. It makes coffee at the speed it does and will continue to. I can't get mad at it because that is just the way it makes coffee - because I want coffee faster should not (and cannot) change the way it makes coffee.
Kind of like a spouse. - Lyle Wilson

Sometimes one dwells on the one thing that isn't right and forgets about all of those things that make something pretty close to perfect.

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