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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Augmented Post

Sometimes I have more to say. Here is a previous post - expanded.

Money Roots
Lack of money is the root of all evil. - George Bernard Shaw

So what is the root of lack of money?

Since no one answered my question, I will answer it myself. First off I don't fully agree with Mr. Shaw. Having money does not make one either evil or saintly. I assume he is thinking poor folks do evil deeds (like stealing) because they are poor. Then if they weren't poor they wouldn't do evil deeds. So I imagine his solution would be to give these poor folks some money then everything would be hunky dory. Bull crap. Lack of money does not automatically make one evil or saintly just like being wealthy. So where does evil come from? You can take the biblical approach and assume we are all born that way and need to be converted. I reject that - we are born ignorant, not evil. I contend that the path to good is paved with education. I'm not talking about just the 3 Rs - but an education on morality. Morality is the knowledge of the difference between good and evil.

One of the biggest frustrations for me is the ever increasing tendency in our society to limit the discussion of morality (or education thereof). You can't, for the most part, discuss morality because "one should not judge others." One should never discuss religion or politics in public - I guess because you might offend someone. Where does this come from? It comes from our education system, and I'm not talking about primary school - I'm talking about the universities. This attitude filters down through the educational system and out into common belief. Then kids are not taught manners because they are just "kids". If you don't have manners then you cannot have morality. If you don't teach morality in college then you send out parents and teachers who perpetuate this premise.

I decided to take one of the highest level computer classes at the local Community College. During the first class the professor went around the room asking each of the students why they were taking the class. One young man responded "So I can become a better hacker and bring down the evil corporations." Here was a kid who probably couldn't even tell you what a corporation is; he only knew they were evil. This was a perfect opportunity for the teacher to teach morality, but he didn't. He replied "Oh yes, if you are going to be a hacker you need to know this stuff." I was so disgusted I never went back. I kept my mouth shut because you are not supposed to judge people. I regret my silence.

So what is the root of all evil? Lack of morality - which comes with education.


Unknown said...

I agree with your comments on the lack of education of morality being the root of evil. However, one must also look at the physical aspect as well. Hormones and estragens play a part in actions of evil as in lust. Even being educated in manners and the right and wrongs of everyday living, chemicals in our body dictate strong urges for lust. How many times do you hear that those kids are well raised, and then hear one is pregnant? Or Chemical actions in the brain caused someone to murder a family member, or committed suicide for no apparrant reason? In some cases, I believe these chemicals overturn morals. There are many books on this subject and many physiologists are scratching their heads trying to figure out what makes us tick. Bi-polar tendencies and nervous breakdowns are not really associated as morals, but are preceived as a lack of morals when displayed.

Unknown said...

Funny, we teach our children to be potty trained at a very early age, and except those very few exceptions, it is successful. Why then do we not expect as much from our kids with regards to hormones? If you can control your bowells then why not your genitals? I think it our expectations (or lack thereof) which is the root of this problem.

Unknown said...

I'll concede that hormones can be controled by education. However, I still stand strong that mental illness can and has promoted evil. All the education in the world to an individual with mental disorders can to a point help in controling his or her actions. Medication can also help control the mind by making it numb or indifferent to a situation. But not all evil is because of a lack of education and or morals. A chemical inbalance in the brain can bring havoc to the person or persons around them as well as distruction of physical property. As an example, a priest in Cambodia of 47 years, left the parish one afternoon for what was to be a daily stroll through a park not far away. Witnesses stated to officials that he was sitting quietly on a bench when he suddenly ran across a concrete path and mounted a mowing machine, left running by a gardener who got off to move irrigation equipment, and proceded to chase and run over people relaxing on the grass. When stop, his only comment was, "Is it time for services?", totally unaware of what he had done. My point is, not all evil, as we understand it, is because of lack of morals. There may be an infinite number of reasons why a person could engage in evil actions. Maybe the full moon or the allignment of the planets may have an impact. Not all of humanity can yet be explained.

Unknown said...

Our legal system differentiates between between criminal acts and criminal acts committed by those which are insane. I would make the same distinction philosophically.

Unknown said...

So the insane are above the educational rules of morals? This would explain why those who are mentaly ill get special treatment when they do evil.