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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Augmented Post

Sometimes I have more to say. Here's a post from the past - expanded.

Times Like These
In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these. - Paul Harvey

Only the details change.

It is natural for humans to slip into the practice of acting as though history began with the day they are born. The way history is taught does not help either. I am reminded of a physical chemistry class I took. We were learning about crystalline structures and the otherwise miserable professor told of Napoleon's army in the War of 1812. When they got to a very cold Russia their tin buttons changed to a crumbling gray dust. This may well be only a legend (some contend they had wood buttons) but the vision of those poor guys trying to load their muzzle loaders while holding up their pants made me not only remember, but caused me to want to learn more. Tin buttons may only be a minor detail in that war but it is a detail worth considering. If you have to go to war make sure your buttons will work as well as your blaster!

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