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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Augmented Post

There is a huge difference between being generous and being altruistic. Generosity is purposeful and discerning, altruism is blind and indiscreet. Recipients act accordingly. Seldom do you see the recipient of altruism express gratitude. – Lyle

Apparently others agree with me:
Too many have dispensed with generosity in order to practice charity. - Albert Camus

No one has a right to receive charity. No group of people have that right either. Charities generally pride themselves on not being judgemental or placing requirements on their recipients. Worse yet are those charities whose goal is to serve the worst among us in the same way. The benefit the giver and recipient receive are only temporary and they will be back for more. Nothing changes; no progress is made.

Generosity, on the other hand, has the chance to make a permanent difference and provide a permanent satisfaction for the giver.

If Habitat for Humanity were to require the recipient to help build the house and sign a contract that they wouldn't trash it then I would be more inclined to support their organization.

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