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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Augmented Post

Sometimes I have more to say. Here is a previous post - expanded.

Emotional Fear
Our instinctive emotions are those we have inherited from a much more dangerous world, and contain, therefore, a larger proportion of fear than they should. - Bertrand Russell

There is a definite difference between emotional fear and rational fear. Worry is the result of the former while safety is the usual outcome of the latter.

Just as is there is a big difference in the intelligence of individuals (IQ) there is also a big difference in how people use their emotions to guide their actions (EQ). These need not be related. Some very intelligent people act from their emotions even though the result is very irrational behavior.

One can ponder whether EQ is determined by the environment or is due to genetic factors. I'd say both. Being raised in a dysfunctional environment could certainly have an effect and so could gender. Whatever the case I think that EQ can be changed through learning except maybe for those completely at their emotions whims. For them, there may be no desire whatsoever to act more rationally.

I have also wondered if many of the worlds problems are either caused by or are not solved because of low EQ. My inclination is in this direction, and if so, I hope I live long enough to figure out how the worlds EQ could be raised.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Having a higher EQ would be great providing rationality is not compromised. Too many people think with their emotions without thinking about the long term results. If EQ=IQ, then I feel the rationale of emotions would indeed benifit all.