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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Levering Friendships

Don't make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up. - Thomas J. Watson 

Also make friends that you can mentor so they can lever themselves up.

1 comment:

kelleyn said...

Yesterday, against my better judgment, I spent some time in a portion of the interwebs where some representatives of one half of humanity decried the alleged shortcomings of, and made demands of, the other half. They made it clear that their entire half, for whom they presume to speak, demand of the other half passivity, subjugation, servitude, stagnation, and above all, constant comfort giving and a complete lack of challenge.

I was deeply shaken by this, and I'm grateful to be reminded of two things. One is the passage from "Philosophy and Sense of Life" (from The Romantic Manifesto) that discusses the emotional state of the type of person who would desire such things. The other is that not everyone shares the attitudes of that outspoken minority, and that although they may threaten, they have no power to hurt anyone. Thanks.