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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Augmented Post

Sometimes I have more to say. From a previous post:

The petty economies of the rich are just as amazing as the silly extravagances of the poor. - William Feather 

 Having money or not does not make you wise.

Whether it be petty economies or silly extravagances I think very often people are confused over the difference between symbolism and appearances. That you replace a light bulb with a more energy efficient model (when you can afford the old one and it won't make two hoots worth of difference to the planet) is mere appearance. It is not a symbolic gesture because it is intended to convey "look at how wonderful I am" as opposed to providing a path to a thought that is held dear. The signers of the Declaration of Independence toasted their accomplishment, which was indeed a symbolic gesture and it could (perhaps should) be repeated today with no loss of meaning. The symbolism (the toast) will cause the thoughtful to reflect upon the subject and further integrate its importance into the subconscious. To repeat the light bulb replacement only makes the act more common-place.

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